

In order to be considered as a contestant in the SABAKI CHALLENGE, an applicant must be at least 21 years of age and submit his Application, Fighter Questionnaire, Medical Certificate, Proof of Medical Insurance, Photograph, Videotape and Registration Fee no later than the application deadline.

There will be a mandatory meeting for all fighters and judges held the evening before the SABAKI CHALLENGE. Attendance at this meeting is required, and must be considered when making arrangements for coming to the SABAKI CHALLENGE.

There will be a weigh-in at the meeting the night before the tournament. Any fighter who exceeds the upper limit of his weight division will be penalized in the following manner: for each pound he is over the limit for his weight division, one point will be awarded to his opponent at the start of the match. This handicap will apply to the preliminary, quarter-final, semi-final and final rounds of the tournament.

Fighters are required to wear a mouthpiece and a groin cup. Hand or foot guards are not allowed to be worn. Taping the hands and feet is not permitted. No tape may be worn on the hands. Fingernails and toenails must be cut. All fighters must wear a karate gi (in good repair: with long pants, sleeves to the elbows, and belt).


The quarter-final and semi-final and final matches will consist of two two-minute rounds of fighting. If the score at the end of the match is tied, the fighter with fewer penalties will be declared the winner. If both fighters have the same number of points and penalties, the match will go to a judges’ decision. In the event that the judge’s decision is tied and the referee calls a “draw,” then there will be a one minute overtime to decide the match.


Hand or elbow strikes or head butts to the neck and face area are not permitted. Kicks and strikes to the groin are not permitted. All kicks to the legs and sweeps to the legs are allowed, with the exception of a direct blow to the front of the knee.

A fighter may grab his opponent’s shoulder or gi (of arm or leg) for three seconds only while executing a technique. Hand must release hold after three seconds. A fighter may not encircle the opponent’s leg with one arm, or hold the leg up with two hands. When grabbing from the front with two hands, both hands must reach from the same side of the opponent’s body. Encircling the opponent’s neck or torso from the front with two hands to pull him into a technique is not permitted. If both fighters are grabbing each other, creating a stalemate, the referee will break them apart immediately.


Any fighter who intentionally strikes his opponent’s neck or face area, or intentionally kicks or strikes to the groin will be immediately disqualified from the tournament.

If a fighter accidentally brushes his opponent’s neck or face area, he will be given a WARNING.

If a fighter accidentally punches or strikes his opponent’s neck or face area, he will be given a PENALTY. The second accidental strike to his opponent’s neck or face area will be scored as a DOUBLE PENALTY, resulting in disqualification of that fighter. A fighter is disqualified after he receives three penalties. [NOTE: The distinction between a “brush” or “strike” to the face is the decision of the referee and/or judges.]

In the event that a fighter accidentally employs an illegal technique resulting in an injury to his opponent that the Tournament Physician rules must stop the fight, the judges will decide the fight and declare a winner. If the winner is the injured fighter and he cannot fight again, then his next opponent automatically advances to his next round. [NOTE: Only the referee, the fighter, or the Tournament Physician may stop the fight because of injury to a fighter.]

A WARNING will be issued if a fighter grabs his opponent and holds for longer than three seconds. A WARNING will be issued if a fighter continues to encircle his opponent’s neck or torso with two hands. A WARNING will be called for an accidental brush to the opponent’s face, or accidental groin kick. A WARNING will be given for a direct kick to the front of the knee. WARNINGs will be given if a fighter moves outside the ring or lies down in order to avoid an attack from his opponent. A WARNING will also be issued if a fighter repeatedly grabs and holds his opponent to avoid an attack or after executing a technique.

If a fighter who has received a WARNING for an accidental brush to the face, kick to the groin or direct kick to the front of the knee is called a second time for the same infraction, he will be issued a PENALTY. A third call for the same violation will result in disqualification from the match.

A PENALTY will be issued for any accidental punch or strike to the neck or face. A DOUBLE PENALTY will be given for the second accidental punch or strike to the neck or face. A PENALTY will be issued if a fighter makes full contact with a strike or a kick after his opponent is down. PENALTIES may also be issued through a series of warnings: A penalty is given to a fighter after his first three warnings, a second penalty is given after two more warnings. A third penalty is given after only one more warning. Warnings are carried forward. For example, if a fighter has two warnings and then receives a penalty for an accidental face punch, his two warnings are carried forward: therefore, he receives two penalties at once. Clearly, subsequent warnings or penalties are more heavily weighted.

All calls and decisions are at the sole discretion of the referee and judges.


One point will be awarded to a fighter who causes his opponent to turn away after a stunning kick to the head. One point will be scored for a fighter who executes a successful sweep or throwing technique, remains on his feet, but does not follow immediately with a controlled punch or kick. The sweep must be a clean technique. In the event that a fighter executes a successful sweep or throwing technique and follows with an uncontrolled punch or kick after his opponent is down, the sweep is negated and he neither scores nor receives a penalty. It is the referee’s and/or judges’ decision whether or not the follow-up technique is controlled.

Three points will be awarded to a fighter who executes a sweep or throwing technique, only if he remains on his feet and follows with a controlled punch or kick. Any legal technique that doubles over the opponent will be scored three points. Any thrust, kick, strike or other legal technique that connects and instantly downs the opponent so that his hands, hands and knees or hands and hip touch the mat will be scored as three points.

Six points will be awarded to a fighter who legally downs his opponent who then cannot rise and continue after five seconds. The decision is declared a knockout and the fighter will be declared the winner.

A fighter can win his match by knockout, points or decision.
WINNING BY KNOCKOUT: If a fighter who is legally downed cannot rise and continue after five seconds, the contest is declared a knockout and the other contestant will be declared the winner.


A fighter must score a total of (at least) six points in order to win on points. This score is cumulative within the match: for example, if a fighter scores three points in the first round, and then scores another three points in an the next round, he will be declared the winner. The match will be stopped when a fighter wins by points.


At the end of a match, if neither fighter has won by knockout or by points, the fighter who is ahead on points will be declared the winner. If both fighters are tied on points, then the fighter with the fewest penalties will win the match. If the fighters are tied on both points and penalties, the judges will decide a victory on the basis of the relative spirit and technical excellence of the contestants.

The Tournament Director reserves the right to overturn a decision or to settle a situation not covered by these rules. The Tournament Director’s decision is final.